Monday, 9 April 2012

pear tarte tatin

On the stove I have pears, butter, sugar, cinnamon and mixed spice all getting fried up. The smell of the caramel sauce, pears and spice is so so yum. I am making pear tarte tatin, I am a cheat and am using frozen puff pastry instead of making the shortcrust pastry from scratch.

Cleaning up the kitchen this morning, just couldn't throw out these pears and bananas, they have seen better days, so banana cake and stewed pears it is. Then I remembered the packet of frozen puff pastry, lets be adventurous and try that recipe that I always wanted to try pear tarte tatin!

So it is in the oven now and smells beautiful.
When it is ready I will have a big piece with a huge dollop of cream,
 then have an afternoon snooze

take out of the oven and flip it over

it was very rich, very yum, not bad for first attempt

Tomorrow when I pick up Zach from his grandparents, we will make those bananas into banana muffins, Zach's favourite.

Now time for an afternoon snooze  x♥x♥

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