I always think of September as 'My month' because my birthday is in September. I have definitely made it my month, my last blog was at least two weeks ago and looking through my photos, we have been busy.
I had a birthday, no party. When I change decades, I'll have a party. But Zach and I did go out for breakfast with some wonderful friends at a cafe. I was given flowers and fabric! I love flowers and fabric! Zach and I went to a playground, swings and climbing, fun.
I had that whole weekend off, so on the Saturday, I said "Zach lets go to a little island"
It was the best day, we had breakfast at Cook's Corner, I love that place!
On our way to the island, questions like "are there Komodo dragons?" "are we going to Komodo Island?" We went to the Alfred Nicolas Memorial Gardens, I thought it was the first time that I had taken Zach there, but as we walked through the gardens, I had faint memories of taking Zach when he was maybe three years old. I was very unhappy then and don't remember much of that time, it is such a blur. Zach remembered the gardens and knew how to get to the islands.
the boat house
a little island
the dinosaurs came with us
the grand staircase leading to Burnham Beeches
We spent a few hours at the gardens, I took so many photos. Zach played with his dinosaurs, the stegosaurus floats. We had such a great time checking out the place. I'll remember this time.
When we left, I thought lets keep driving. Up the tourist road we went, to this quirky little place, Kalorama Kitchen. All the furniture and crockery is recycled and the menu is a photocopy glued to cardboard. The floor is uneven, I'm sure that place needs restumping, but it is open. Years ago, when I drove past, the place was shut, I thought abandoned. So good to be able to get a good coffee, even in the remotest part of the hills. Great views here too

We went for a walk and discovered that that the footpath had been stamped every few meters with a fern branch or lyrebird tracks. I love it!
So it was a very full day of exploring.
The next day we went and visited my squiggly friend at her market stall. I went a bit nuts at one stall and bought a few woodblock prints for Zach's room.
He had a ride, I loved the wheels of the front car.
This Weekend, We had a first birthday to go to, for our neighbours little girl. I was sewing like mad to get her present done, but in the end I thought we have to go, I don't want to be late. We visited Monday afternoon, with completed matryoshka doll.
Yesterday, I dropped Zach off at his dad's house, he is spending two days there for the school holidays. On my way home, I saw an echidna by the side of the road.
Today, Wednesday, I was at a bit of a loss of what to do with myself, I missed Zach.
I write more tomorrow
Good night